Anniversary Acquisition: Important Bronze Sculpture by Rembrandt Bugatti at the Städel

Acquisition of the “Devouring Lion” from the Collection of Alain Delon on the Occasion of the 125th Anniversary of the Städelscher Museums-Verein

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The Städelscher Museums-Verein is celebrating its 125th anniversary with a major acquisition: the bronze sculpture Devouring Lion by Rembrandt Bugatti (1884–1916). With this 1908 figure, the Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main has acquired a major work by the Italian artist and is now one of only two museums in Germany to be able to present its public with a bronze by this outstanding sculptor. The sculpture was purchased by the Städelscher Museums-Verein with funds from Volker Westerborg and private donations. The Devouring Lion previously belonged to the art collection of the actor Alain Delon, who owns one of the world's most important collections of works by Rembrandt Bugatti. Sculptures by the artist were last shown at the Städel Museum in 2020 in the special exhibition “En Passant. Impressionism in Sculpture”. On permanent loan from the patrons’ association, the anniversary acquisition is currently on view in the Städel Museum’s collection presentation of “Modern Art” and can be seen in the Impressionist Hall in dialogue with sculptures by Edgar Degas and Auguste Rodin. The Städelscher Museums-Verein was founded on 27 June 1899, making it one of the oldest and largest patrons’ associations of a German museum today.

“Rembrandt Bugatti is one of the greatest sculptural talents in the history of art. By the time of his untimely death at the age of thirty-one, he had created an unparalleled oeuvre of some 300 sculptures, of which the Devouring Lion from the private collection of Alain Delon is one of the most important. As always, in a single working process of just a few hours, Bugatti translated the essence, appearance and tension of his model into a sculptural work that seems to break down and dissolve the boundaries between object and abstraction. The Devouring Lion is a milestone in early twentieth-century sculpture and an extraordinary addition to the Städel Museum. I congratulate the Städelscher Museums-Verein on this special anniversary acquisition. I would also like to thank Véronique Fromanger, Paris, and Edward Horswell, Sladmore Gallery, London, for their selfless support of this extraordinary acquisition”, says Philipp Demandt, Director of the Städel Museum.

“For 125 years, the Städelscher Museums-Verein has been supporting the Städel Museum with acquisitions to complement its collection, with the realisation of special exhibitions that attract the public, and with the financing of research and restoration projects. With the purchase of this outstanding sculpture by Rembrandt Bugatti on the occasion of our anniversary, we can once again confirm our mission of support. As chairwoman, I would like to thank our more than 10,000 members and art lovers from the bottom of my heart for their commitment. They are a prime example of what civic commitment to the Städel Museum can look like”, says Sylvia von Metzler, Chairwoman of the Städelscher Museums-Verein.

The acquisition was made possible in large part by a generous donation from Volker Westerborg (1940–2022) to both the Städel Museum and the Städelscher Museums-Verein. Westerborg’s support focussed on works by artists who lost their lives in the First World War and whose memory should serve as a reminder of the consequences of the war. Westerborg’s support had previously enabled the purchase of Wilhelm Morgner’s Astral Composition VI, 1912. With a major work by Rembrandt Bugatti, who committed suicide in 1916 under the impact of the First World War, the Städel Museum is once again honouring Westerborg’s patronage.

You can read the full press release here.

Press images

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Städel Museum - Norbert Miguletz

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908, Cast 1908, A. A. Hébard, Paris; edition 1/3, Bronze, 28 x 93 x 38 cm, Acquired 2024 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Städelverein with funds from Volker Westerborg and private donations; property of the Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
Photo: Bonhams Cornette de Saint Cyr

Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908, Cast 1908, A. A. Hébard, Paris; edition 1/3, Bronze, 28 x 93 x 38 cm, Acquired 2024 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Städelverein with funds from Volker Westerborg and private donations; property of the Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
Photo: Bonhams Cornette de Saint Cyr

Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Detail: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Bonhams Cornette de Saint Cyr

Detail: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Städel Museum - Norbert Miguletz

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Städel Museum - Norbert Miguletz

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Städel Museum - Norbert Miguletz

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
Photo: Städel Museum - Norbert Miguletz

Exhibition view: Rembrandt Bugatti Devouring Lion (Lion couché dévorant), 1908
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